Transform your life through art
Using art and body-centered practices, I guide women to their own creativity and deeper wisdom to transform their lives.

Support for Your Inner Work
Pondering life's mysteries and uncertain of your path?
Are you eager to embark on a journey of self-discovery?
I help you to deepen your relationship with Mother Earth, grounding your inner wisdom and opening your awareness to knowing that is deeper than “book knowledge.”

Voices of Women Summit ~ International Women's Day, 2023

Dr. Sarah Glenn
Barbara brings to her sessions a truly astounding maturity, flexibility and skill adjusting to each person’s needs and art level, weaving us together in a beautiful way as she too integrates into her guidance the breadth of her own learnings to the situation at hand.

Victoria Serna
Barbara has supported me tremendously in such a gentle and inspiring way, by encouraging me to grow deeper with my art, and the profound subtleties that life is always offering, as well as, helping me to gain a deeper trust within myself.

Beth Benson
“Barbara, thank you for all the ways you help me remember how to be me …”
Barbara reached out to me … offered an Intentional Creativity session on the gifts in your sacred basket … and I honor her as a loving presence and teacher/ facilitator in the world. If you have a chance to study with her, or partake of her offerings, I encourage you to do so.

Guidance for Your Journey
Ready to dive even deeper?
Are you willing to ask the difficult
questions to ponder areas ripe for
My transformational approach will support you as you query your deeply-held beliefs. Using somatic exercises and Intentional Creativity art practices, you will gain a deeper understanding of, and relationship with, your Sovereign Self.

Intentional Creativity®
Are you ready to let the abundance of your co-creativity flow through your life?
Together we will use soulful inquiries, and a variety of creative practices including Metacognitive Drawing and large-scale paintings, thereby creating the space for your own intuition and deeper knowing to become more present in your awareness, and in your daily life.

Working together
After a guided meditation/ grounding process, connecting deeply to Mother Earth and your heart-soul essence, together we will explore your inquiries and your current understanding of life and where you want to be.
Using further soulful inquiries, breathing & somatic exercises, Metacognitive Drawing, and other Intentional Creativity tools, we will discover some of your infinite possibilities and a deeper connection with your Sovereign Self.
This exploration will outline the path for the next portion of your journey, on which I will continue to serve as your guide as you uncover more areas you wish to transmute.
How did I get here?
Perhaps you have felt that feeling of yearning to be more of who you know you can become, a type of self-dissatisfaction, that has propelled you to this point in your life.
My own journey has been driven by that very strong push and pull, to discover more of who I am and why my level of awareness felt incomplete.
I pursued a variety of career paths and interests, including creative ones, as well as studying a variety of religious and spiritual traditions and practices. I sought spiritual guidance and wisdom outside myself. These were helpful steps along the way.
Most importantly, I began to take responsibility for my emotions, my reactions, my perceptions, and my beliefs underlying this all. When I owned, with compassion, those areas I perceived as “not enough,” I either came to a calm resolution or transformed them.
I believe you can become your own best self as well!