Presentations and Publications
National Women's Studies Association, San Francisco, 2019, Engaging Creativity: Utilizing Creativity in Transformative Ways to Envision and Build Our Futures, Intentional Creativity workshop
Women’s Spirituality program at the California Institute of Integral Studies, 2017, Intentional Creativity: A Creative Exercise in Developing Affirmations, at “A Day of Healing”
Founders’ Day, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, 2017, How Can Our World Be Imagined?
Association for the Study of Women and Mythology’s Conference, Boston, 2016, Women Are the Revolution: Examining the Lessons of My Motherline while Honoring the Legacy of Deborah Sampson
Parliament of World Religions, Salt Lake City, 2015, and Oakland Center for Spiritual Living’s Diversity Circle, Oakland, 2016, Diverse Voices of Women’s Spirituality
Mankato State Women’s Spirituality Conference, Mankato, MN, 2013, New Voices in Women’s Spirituality
Association for the Study of Women Mythology’s 5th biennial regional symposium, St. Paul, 2013, What’s Place Got to Do With It: A Non-Indigenous Woman’s Search for Place-Wisdom
Intermedia Arts, Minneapolis, 2007, Grace, Realized, excerpts from unpublished play

"How Can Our World Be Imagined?" Founders' Day presentation at my alma mater, California Institute of Integral Studies

Cristy Rose, Samantha Sinclair, Jeannette Kiel and me presenting on creativity at NWSA

My presentation from ASWM's 2013 symposium is included in this volume.

"How Can Our World Be Imagined?" Founders' Day presentation at my alma mater, California Institute of Integral Studies
Future, Not Perfect, to be published in “Voices from the Ancestors Calling from Our Motherline,” edited by Annette Williams and Karen Nelson Villanueva, (in press)
What’s Place Got to Do With It: A Non-Indigenous Woman’s Search for Place Wisdom, Essay published in “The Land Remembers Us: Women, Myth, and Nature—Proceedings of the Association for Study of Women and Mythology, Vol. III”, edited by Mary Jo Neitz and Sid Reger, Goddess Ink, 2020 www.goddess-ink.com
Medusa, My Mother and Me, Essay published in "Re-visioning Medusa: from Monster to Divine Wisdom", edited by Glenys Livingstone, Trista Hendren and Pat Daly, Girl God Books, 2017 thegirlgod.com
Let’s Call Her Grandmother Earth instead of Mother Earth, Essay published in anthology, "She Rises: How Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality?", edited by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Mago Books, 2016 magobooks.com
Change is Especially Perceptible on Early-Spring Mornings, Essay published in anthology, "She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality?", edited by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Mago Books, 2015 magobooks.com
Lest I Be Accused of Mariolatry, Poem published, "The Return to Mago" (http://magoism.wordpress.com/?s=lest+I+be+accused), 2012
We Need to Learn How to Not Love War, Essay published, Becoming You blog (http://bcomingyou.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/peace/), 2012